Monday, April 9, 2012

My Faucet is Loose, Not Me

Again, maybe not Pleco’s best effort.

We’re once again trying to get our sink fixed. This time, Bob and I traipsed down to the Seasons Park management office, trying for three things: getting the sink fixed, getting our frig colder, and getting windows cleaned.

As far as the sink, we managed to express that it was broken. But I wanted to say that the faucet was loose. Pleco translated “loose” in the following ways: baoyang, as in loose clothes; bo, informed; fei, illegal means or income; feida, large or fat; huangtang, preposterous or dissipated; huoluo, loose tooth; langman, unconventional, bohemian; shushong, porous; song, slack; cuanxi, to have loose bowels; dangfu, a loose woman or prostitute; haiduzi, to suffer from diarrhea (along with about five other ways of describing loose bowels and loose women).

Never mind.

The refrigerator, we were told, is our landlandy’s issue, not theirs. And Bob tried valiantly to ask them whether they’d be coming through to clean the windows on the outside. Looking up the word for “dirty” in Pleco led to a lot of references to clothes that were filthy, ugly, abominable, foul. Seemed a tiny bit extreme to describe windows that needed cleaning.

Later, a workman arrived and “fixed” the sink. Luckily, Yanfen, my Chinese teacher, was there, so she was able to translate that he said the sink was broken and the landlady should replace it.

Then he wanted to know the location of our broken window so he could fix that.

China won this round, but I’m not done yet.

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